Michelle-2.jpg  線上英文-家教 專業親切的Teacher Michelle(蜜雪兒)

Hello there! My name is Michelle and I was born in the star sign of
Capricorn and we are known to be loyal, patient, and hardworking.  I am
very loyal to my students for I consider them as my responsibilities,
and I am patient when it comes to teaching. I teach based on the level
of the learner and understand how much grasp they have when it comes to


 I am a teacher by profession and by heart. I finished an Education
degree in the university and got my license in teaching this year, so I
am a licensed teacher here in the Philippines. I have been teaching
English for almost three years now and I taught in different manners,
such as online teaching, private man-to-man tutorial, and formal
classroom set-up. You might be wondering what my favorite manner of
teaching is. Well, I am really very comfortable doing online English
teaching because I am very familiar with the nature of this approach and
I get to know my students well, which, I think, is a big factor when it
comes to teaching. It is more effective in building a good rapport
between the teacher and the student. Having a good rapport will make
learning more effective, interesting, comfortable, and fun.


 I specialize in teaching English in all disciplines; grammar,
pronunciation, idiomatic expressions, conversational English, 
literature, poetry, and drama. I believe that learning English will not
be effective without really practicing it. English speaking is a skill
which needs a continuous application so I think a learner will show more
remarkable improvement in speaking English through continuous practice
and enthusiasm.


 As my student, you can expect that you are going to learn a lot of
things from me, of course all will be related with English learning. But
one thing I can assure you of, I always see to it that my students
enjoy every single minute of our class. As we go on with our class, you
will learn all the necessary aspects of English learning such as grammar
and pronunciation as well as English expressions. But in the process,
the learning would be so much fun because I see to it that we do our
classes in very spontaneous way. You are going to feel like you are just
having a conversation with a friend, so you would be very comfortable
and you can be open about different topics that you would want to talk
about. As a teacher by profession and by heart, I consider my students
as very important individuals who need to learn what they need to learn.
Teachers should be masters of the subject area, and for us that is
English, so you can expect that I have a very good mastery of this area,
although mastery is not enough to make learning English effective.


I see to it that my students are having so much fun in the process. I
let you do most of the talking and I will make you feel comfortable
while speaking without distracting you of your mistakes as we go on. I
will just highlight some corrections after our conversation so you can
practice them and then apply them on your daily use of the English
language. Most of all, you can expect that I would be very cheerful and
friendly during our class, so I will never cause any pressure on your
English learning.


魔羯.jpg  我是魔羯座  

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