目前分類:線上家教老師介紹 (19)

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Chia-2.jpg  線上英文-家教 可愛電腦狂Teacher Chia(奇雅)

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風趣幽默的Teacher Joyce (喬伊絲)

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Mary.jpg  線上英文-家教 興趣廣泛的Teacher Mary(瑪麗)

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Michelle-2.jpg  線上英文-家教 專業親切的Teacher Michelle(蜜雪兒)

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  Vin-2.jpg  線上英文-家教:超厲害的Teacher Vin (敏老師)

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Henry.JPG  學識淵博的Teacher Henry(亨利)

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Venus.JPG7.5Teacher Venus(維納斯)

Good day! I am Teacher Venus, 22 years of age. I am a graduate of Our Lady
of Fatima University with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing. I

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博學多聞的Teacher Rdmund (艾德蒙)

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IMG_2184.JPG 積極認真的Teacher Daniel (丹尼爾)

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Scarlet 02.JPG 

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照片 089.jpg 

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照片 095.jpg  

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照片 091.jpg  線上英文-家教

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