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寓教於樂的 Teacher Maricris (莫瑞克斯)
Today, we are living in a "globalized world". Do all the students really need to learn English as it is spoken in many countries? Absolutely yes! I'm teacher Maricris from HiTutor, who can help you in getting your English into shape!
在全球化的今天,每個學生都需要具備英文這項技能,我是Maricris (莫瑞克斯)老師,我希望能幫助你讓英文更進步!
I’ve been teaching ESL (English as a Second Language) since 2005. I majored in Bachelor of Arts in English and had experiences in teaching Korean, Japanese and Filipino students. I also participated in foreign language clubs to help foreign students in learning the English language. I also gained good experiences working in an American company as a Customer Service Representative where I took up American Accent Training and took live calls from the United States. I’ve always wanted to communicate to foreigners and learn from them as well. I believe that being a teacher is not just about teaching but learning as well. It is my first time to handle and teach Taiwanese, and I’m pretty sure that it would be exciting and challenging for me.
You know what? Studying English is a hard work, but it can also be fun! I can still remember the first time I learnt on how to use chopsticks. I have found it so hard and awkward at first because I’m not used to it. However, with my eagerness and interest to learn the proper way of using it, I have never imagined that using chopstick is just as easy as a pie. It’s just like learning English, you will find it hard at first, however, you should take it as a great challenge! I’ll tell you, with the right course, skilled teacher and a friendly environment- you will be able to combine your study plan with an experience which you will always treasure! This is teacher Maricris, Have a happy English class!
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