

NBA球員林書豪崛起,最戲劇性的轉折,是「出乎意料」四字。球壇臥虎藏龍,多少好手被埋沒,很少像林書豪,以板凳球員(benchwarmer 或 second string)被冷凍在旁(nailed to the bench)的狀況,能在最不看好的情勢下,打出一片天。

板凳球員能下場,常是大勢已去或勝券在握,教練換下先發球員以免受傷,改以板凳球員練兵,這叫「清板凳」(empty the bench)。

林能放手一搏,縮短了坐冷板凳時間(pine time),用實力讓射手(pure shooter)出手、讓取分王(go-to guy)取分,證明自己是不可或缺的控球後衛,和球隊靈魂人物(Franchise Player),難怪中國球星姚明稱讚林書豪是好的「比賽閱讀者」。

姚和林都是在NBA效勞的華裔球星,他的說法當然獨到:林書豪短短時間獲得空前美名,以孫子兵法形容,印證了「善戰者,其勢險,其節短。勢如擴弩,節如發機」的說法,這說明林沒有去處之下,爆發力(clutch the straws)力道之強。

但NBA球季一年多達82場,從經驗和技術分析看,真正打完一季比賽,球員的完整性才算及格。林書豪身為控球後衛,需要看清球場上的局勢,透過自我調整和訓練,才能變成球隊棟樑(a man for all seasons)。

法國漢學家余蓮在論「勢」專書提到:西方文明重英雄,人要自我超越,戰勝挑戰,時機遂變成冒險;中國聖人觀察形勢,偵測破綻,視時機為可以掌握的整體變化過程,所以不重英雄──抓住破綻,聖人立即出手,讓敵人事功變成絕響(swan song)。

從林書豪的表現以及姚明的詮釋,我們知道球諺:「贏球靠準備,不是靠機會」(You win not by chance, but by preparation.)。在論及掌握戰局與戰機上,沒有所謂的冷板凳時間,果然有它的道理。

例:"Former Knicks' benchwarmer Jeremy Lin has pushed the basketball team to a seven game winning streak."「尼克隊板凳球員林書豪,帶領球隊連贏七場球賽。」"His surprisingly sound play came after he was not the second-string, not the third-string, not the fourth-string, but the fifth-string point guard."「他以完全不被看好的板凳球員姿態,用球技震驚全場。」

"Lin, then nailed to the bench, having already been cut twice this season and seeing the writing on the wall, asked him to pray not to be cut again. "「林當時已經被轉賣兩次,還毫無上場機會,意味到惡兆臨頭,祈禱不要再度被釋出。」"When Lin does need some pine time, the Knicks offense shouldn't suffer as much."「只希望林書豪累垮需要休息之際,尼克隊的後衛守備不要因而失守。」

"He'll probably never be a pure shooter. There's a fine line between a good shooter and a pure shooter."「他或許成不了天生射手,好射手和天生射手之間,還是有點不同的。」

"John Stockton is a go-to-player for the Jazz."「John Stockton是爵士隊不可或缺的取分王。」

"Jeremy Lin waltzes in for a dunk after crossing over a Lakers franchise player."「林書豪一個轉身,閃過湖人隊當家中鋒,灌籃得分。」"He had to clutch the straws for he knew the game might be his snow song."「不孤注一擲,絕境就會駕臨。」

"Being a man for all seasons, Lin sets to take over the reins at the New York Knicks"「林書豪成為尼克隊不可或缺的要角,進而帶領該隊向前邁進。」


 【2012/03/30 經濟日報】


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