Who you calling bird brain? Pigeons can count as well as monkeys, claims study

We already knew that they are rather good at finding their way home. But it seems that pigeons have another remarkable talent – they can count.


Until now, only humans and other primates were thought to be able to use abstract numerical rules in this way.


The researchers initially trained the pigeons by presenting them with 35 sets of three images, each with one, two, or three objects of different size, colour and shape. They were rewarded with wheat when they pecked the images in the correct ascending sequence.


Next, they were presented with pairs of images with between one and nine objects and tested on their ability to respond to them in ascending order.


’Somewhat surprisingly, their performance is on a par with that of monkeys,’ said Dr Damian Scarf, of the University of Otago in New Zealand.


’Our findings add to a growing body of evidence that pigeons are among a number of avian species exhibiting impressive mental abilities that really do give the lie to the old "bird brain" insult.’




bird brain:俚語,意指一個人沒什麼腦袋,笨蛋。形容詞:birdbrained。例句:She is really a bird brain.(她真是笨蛋。)

somewhat:副詞,稍微、有點;或當代名詞,某事/物、幾分,後接of。例句:I’m somewhat upset about your attitude.(你的態度令我有點不爽。)

give the lie to:片語,揭穿謊言、不正確或不真實之事,反駁。例句:The government’s statistics gave the lie to it’s own claims of economic boom.(政府的統計數據反駁了政府自己宣稱經濟繁榮的說法。)



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