
2011.09.30 04:48 am


grasp the nettle),雙方適時解決問題(fill the

行政團隊中,有人極得老闆信賴,權傾一時(like a company town),當紅炸子雞當然可以不在意同僚的意見與感受(no fair
play)。但就內部協調而言,上頭有人發號施令,下頭也要有人全力配合,方能排除萬難,達成不可能的任務 (to catch lightning in a

細膩待人處事,更是外交實務精髓,因為談判是沒有煙硝味的戰爭。要雙贏,就要抓緊時機(see how the cat
jumps),用實力展現誠意,所以三思而後行(look before you leap)有其必要,這也是孫子「與眾相得」的另類解釋。

對手旗鼓相當,有備而來,如何在兵戎相見前,覓妥解決方案,以拆除爭議點(the last straw),或在異中求同之際,不讓可以解套的創意胎死腹中(to
nip in the bud),在在考驗主事者的涵養與實力,其前提還是一句話:既然是實力相當的談判,就不會一方說了算,換言之:把事情搞砸,大家都有份(It
takes two to tango.)。

例:"Uncle Sam thinks it is time to grasp the nettle of North Korea's nuclear


"The State Department believed that new understanding with North Korea should
fill the bill as to what it needed to finish the job."


"There are two choices for life in a company town: 'in' or 'out'."


"The company is not a good place to work for as the boss is not a believer of
fair play."


"To many of his colleagues, the new boss is about an inch wide and an inch
deep. He caught lightning in a bottle and the rest of us just got burned."


"The negotiator, like his counterpart, wants to see how the cat jumps before
playing his game."


"To help me get a good look before I leap, I have managed to surround myself
with good people."


"The Chinese diplomats say that the denial of 92 Consensus will be the last
straw for the cross-strait detente that benefits Taiwan."


"The way to reach a win-win solution in the negotiation room is for the
conflicting parties to discuss their differences rationally and calmly, and try
not to rip in the bud any possible propositions."





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