這時候父母親通常會說:「Don’t fuss!」意思是「不要唉唉叫」。

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A US doctor is trying to pioneer a laser treatment that changes patients’ eye colour. Dr Gregg Homer claims 20 seconds of laser light can remove pigment in brown eyes so they gradually turn blue. He is now seeking up to $750,000 of investment to continue clinical trials.

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可能很多美眉最大的夢想是嫁入豪門!有人會公開承認,可以對著老天爺說:I want to marry rich(點我聽發音)

此外,豪門通常不只有錢,還有社會地位,因此若想嫁入豪門,也可說:I want to marry a rich and powerful guy.(點我聽發音)(我想嫁個有錢有勢的人)。 

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【聯合晚報╱記者張博亭/即時報導】2011.11.01 01:10 pm


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Does having a sweet tooth make a person more agreeable and friendly? New research suggests there could be a link between taste preferences and disposition. Scientists in the United States found that a liking for sweeter foods is an indication that a person is more agreeable and helpful, but not extroverted or neurotic.

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