英文可以說:「Are you blind?」(你瞎了嗎?)
英文可以說:「Are you blind?」(你瞎了嗎?)
驚爆101!好康大頭條 ~全套上課配備送給你!! ~
Soon after the Watford-bound train pulled out of the station, a fellow traveller in Lucy’s carriage began singing the Bill Wither’s classic Lovely Day.
A US doctor is trying to pioneer a laser treatment that changes patients’ eye colour. Dr Gregg Homer claims 20 seconds of laser light can remove pigment in brown eyes so they gradually turn blue. He is now seeking up to $750,000 of investment to continue clinical trials.
Rob And Neil discuss a rise in the number of people suffering from stress in the workplace.
有些人很奇怪,明明喜歡某個人事物,卻偏裝作不喜歡,或者不管做什麼事都超做作,讓人覺得「假仙」。遇到這種人,可能會嗆他:You’re such a phony! 或者 Don’t be such a phony!這裡phony 是「不可讓人相信的人;做作的人」。此外也可說:Don’t be so fake! fake 就是「假仙的」。或也可說:It’s so obvious. 這裡 obvious 是「明顯的」,直譯就是「(你的舉動和企圖)很明顯」。最後當然也可挑明了講:Quit pretending!(別再假裝了),讓人知道你已經看穿他了!
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