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NBA球員林書豪崛起,最戲劇性的轉折,是「出乎意料」四字。球壇臥虎藏龍,多少好手被埋沒,很少像林書豪,以板凳球員(benchwarmer 或 second string)被冷凍在旁(nailed to the bench)的狀況,能在最不看好的情勢下,打出一片天。

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馬屁精到處是,英文的講法也很多種,你可以說:He loves to kiss ass.(547945-icon_large.jpg 點我聽發音)

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「月光族」指的就是一個人很會花錢,每到月底就把錢花光光,英文可以說:「I’m tapped out by the end of the month.」tap out的原意是「在賭博中輸掉全部錢財」,口語上可當「花光錢;沒錢」之意。也可說:「I’m broke by the end of the month.」「I’m busted by the end of the month.」

A:Isn’t Gloria just some bookkeeper in a small company? She seems to have a lot of money to spend!

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Bigamists beware:Thanks to Facebook, keeping your wives from finding out about each other is almost impossible these days.


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