目前分類:HiTutor老師 (55)

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  熱情開朗的Teacher Shey(雪老師)

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亞洲教學經驗豐富的Teacher RON(朗老師)

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多益救星密琪老師(Teacher Mitch)


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文學專家堤娜老師 (Teacher Tina)


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  具有政治法律背景的Teacher Jo (Saturday)

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  擅長美式英文的Teacher Babara(芭芭拉)

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  多才多藝的 Teacher Davy(大衛)

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認真可愛的 Teacher Jahan (潔漢)

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 樂觀開朗的 Teacher Jose(荷西)

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  親切可愛的 Teacher Sarah (莎拉)

Hi my name is Sarah Jean R. Nacion, and I'm 23 years old. I graduated in 2008 with the degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English. I believe that the purpose of teaching is not to teach students how to memorize facts, or how to know all the correct answers. The purpose of teaching lies in getting students to truly understand the concept that is being examined.

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 動靜皆宜的 Teacher Marielle (瑪莉艾兒)

 Hi! I’m Teacher Marielle Safe Rafael, 23 years old. I took up Bachelor of Arts, Major in English at Jose Rizal University. I used to be the president of Communication Arts Society in our university and Speech and Drama Club as well. Besides this profession, I’m also a member of Leo Clubs International which is an organization that serves people in need.

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  專業親切的Teacher Michelle(蜜雪兒)

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  超厲害的Teacher Vin (敏老師)

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  雅思7.5Teacher Venus(維納斯)

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