學識淵博的Teacher Henry(亨利)


Hello! My name is teacher Henry. My star sign is the serious, loyal, and perfectionist Virgo while my Chinese zodiac sign is the outgoing, fun, and intellectual Water-Monkey. I don’t wholly believe in star signs but they can surprisingly describe and express your personality and thoughts quite well.


I graduated Bachelor of Arts Major in English at Aquinas University and I am currently pursuing Master of Arts in Literature at its sister school, University of Santo Tomas. I taught college students English and Literature subjects such as Mythology and Folklore; Humanities; World and Philippines Literatures; Speech and Communication Skills in English; Technical Writing and Business Correspondence; and Academic Study and Thinking Skills. In addition, I taught Introduction to Sociology, Ethics, and Psychology. I strictly followed the English only policy inside and outside the classroom. Besides this classroom setting experiences, my online and face to face teaching topics included Business and Conversational English; TOFL; TESOL; and Speech and Communication Skills. I can teach these subjects effectively and efficiently.

我畢業於Aquinas大學英文系,目前正在姊妹校University of Santo Tomas研 讀文學碩士。我在大學教授過許多科目,文學相關的神話學,民俗學,古典文學,世界文學和菲律賓文學,還有英文演說和溝通技巧,商用英文,商用英文書信,以 及大學通識課程。另外,我也是社會學,倫理學和心理學老師。不論是不是在上課時間,我嚴格要求學生使用英文交談,除了以上所述的科目之外,我在線上與面對 面教學都有經驗,像商英、會話英文、TOFLTESOL,以及實用英文溝通上,都能很有效的引導學生學習。

Since I am a teacher of both worlds, English Language and Literature, my students can expect a thorough, informative, talkative, formal, informal, and inquisitive treatment of any conversational or topical subject under the sun. Online, I like teaching Business and Conversational English and Speech and Communication Skills. I am a good listener to a very expressive student and can also be a good talker to a very receptive student. I adjust my style to the needs and learning style of students. Since no student is the same, I turn every class into something fun for the student and to myself as well. I motivate myself and the student by keeping in my mind and showing the same that every student is always precious and being a teacher is not just a job, it always and primarily is a vocation.

因為我的教學領域廣泛,我的學生可以期待我們的課程是非常多元的,不管是正式 或非正式的主題與用法,我們的對話可以追根究底的討論下去。在線上課程部分,我喜歡教商英和口語溝通技巧。對於表達動機旺盛的學生來說,我是以個非常棒的 聆聽者;若是屬於接受型的學生,我也能當一個很好的引導者。我會依照每個學生的特質來改變我的教學方式,因為沒有任何學生是相同的,我希望每堂課程對學生 我本身來說,都是有趣而有效的。我將每個學生都視為非常寶貴的禮物,這也是我維持教學動機的方式,教學對我而言不僅僅是一份工作,而是最初也是最終的人生 志業。



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