Good day! I am Teacher Venus, 22 years of age. I am a graduate of Our Lady of Fatima University with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing. I garnered 80.80% in my Nursing Licensure Exam taken on June 2009. I also have a ranking of 54 out of 2000 plus students in our university. When I was in my secondary school, I was given a chance to represent my academe in an interschool competition for Oration cultural contest and bagged the 1st place award. I as well passed the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) with a 7.5 total band score out of 9.
I have the star sign of Cancer and I was born in the fierce year of the Dragon. Since I am a cancer, I am satisfied with staying in my humble abode and spend time with my loved ones. I am fond of reading pocketbooks, doing Mitch Albom and Judith McNaught. I also love to read poetry and solve jumbled words during my pastime. Furthermore, I am very keen in watching How I Met Your Mother- a popular sit-com in America, and the Doctors – a talk show hosted by prestige doctors in the USA. I love to travel and I have been in many beautiful destinations such as Hong Kong, China, Florida, and Australia. However, to me, nothing could beat my motherland, Philippines.
我是巨蟹座,屬龍,我很喜歡我樸實的家及我所愛的人們,喜歡閱讀口袋小說,像米契艾爾邦及茱迪麥娜的書,休閒時喜歡讀詩及解字謎,而且我是著名情境喜劇《老爸老媽的羅曼史》的忠實影迷,也喜歡看由美國威望顯著的醫生們所主持的脫口秀《the Doctors》。熱愛旅遊,曾去過香港、中國、佛羅里達跟澳洲,然而,最愛的地方還是我的母國,菲律賓。
If you are, up for the grabs of being my student, you will learn English and at the same time enjoy it. You will be confident to use English without being worried of any mistakes, as if you are a native speaker. I will aid you in doing correct sentence construction, pronunciation, and diction. Then and then, you will realize that learning English is just a piece of cake! So, hope to hear from you soon!
如果你成為我的學生,你會喜歡學習英語,能自信地說英語不擔心犯錯,就像說母語般輕鬆,我會幫助你修正句子結構、發音及用字遣詞, 此時此刻,你會發現說英語輕而易舉!希望能儘快與你線上相見喔!

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