 樂觀開朗的 Teacher Jose(荷西)

Hello, I am Teacher Jose of HiTutor ESL Online Language Tutoring. I am very pleased to meet you. Before I became a full time teacher for HiTutor, I was involved with community development and values educational programs for more than 10 years. I love being with people because I enjoy meeting new friends. It has been my long time joy teaching others about many things. Among these is giving service through English language teaching, and I have been doing it for 4 years. I believe it is one of the paths to a better future.   


When I was working with Trans World Radio for three years during my college days, it made me realize the importance of being a fluent speaker in English. During my Master’s of Divinity program, I saw the international need for learning English in Asia. It made me decide to help others know more about communicational English. Since my school was an international institution, we were required to study subjects for teaching English. My first experience of being a tutor was with Korean students coming from Seoul. Since then I never stopped tutoring and teaching English whenever I have the chance.  This is now my fourth year in teaching. 

大 學時期我曾經在環球電台工作,在這三年多的工作經驗中,我了解到英文流利對我的重要性。在神學院就讀時,我也發現在全球化的潮流下,學英文對亞洲學生有多 重要,所以我更下定決心要幫助大家學習英文溝通的技巧。雖然我就讀的學校是國際學校,我們除了使用英文上課之外,還被要求修讀英文教學的課程。我第一次當 英文家教時,教授的是從韓國首爾來的學生,從那時起,只要我有空檔,我就不會放棄英文教學工作。現在已經進入第四年的教學生涯了。


    If you prefer learning and developing your skills in speaking English as a second language, you come to the right place! HiTutor provides one of the most proficient services in English language learning. I believe in its purpose and goal to teach English as a spoken language. May you find your stay with us be a fruitful experience of English learning. We want to help you improve your English skills. What are you waiting for?! Enrol now and we will be there to guide and help you to be a better English speaker!





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