來自澳洲的表演者Teacher Brett

My name is Brett , I’m Australian. After receiving my diploma in theatre arts, I worked in various theatre and television productions throughout Australia. As an actor, you discover not only the power of the written word but also the way it sounds, and how it can affect both emotionally and physically.



When I started acting, my diction and clarity were not good for stage work. I took lessons and found a vast improvement with little effort. Therefore, in my English teaching, I like the student to discover the fun in English, not to make it a hard task. Improving diction and intonation, the students will not only say the words but deliver them with the right intention.

當我開始演 戲的時候,我發現自己的咬字在舞台上聽起來不夠清晰,所以我接觸了相關訓練。而上課之後非常驚喜的發現,只要做一點點的改變和努力,呈現出來卻是截然不同 的效果。所以在進行英文教學的時候,我喜歡讓學生主動發現學英文的樂趣,而不是把它當成一門苦差事。在他們逐漸進步的同時,咬字措辭與音調都是我所重視 的,我希望在學生練習單字的同時,不只重視發音,也把這個字和句子融合,能徹底活用它。

Lets discover the joy of the English word and the opportunity of conversing with people throughout the world.


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